środa, 23 września 2020


Can you spell your name?

When is your birthday?

What month comes after August?

What month comes before December? 

What do we call a person who lives in China?

What do we call a person who lives in France?

Do you know the difference between these and those this and that?

  1. Look at  newspaper here. 
  2.  are my grandparents, and  people over there are my friend's grandparents.
  3.  building over there is the Chrysler Building. 
  4.  is my mobile phone and  is your mobile phone on the shelf over there. 
  5.  photos here are much better than  photos on the book. 
  6.  was a great evening. 
  7. Are  your pencils here? 
  8.  bottle over there is empty. 
  9.  bricks over there are for your chimney. 
  10. John, take  folder and put it on the desk over there.

  1. Are there  girls in your football team?
  2. Have you got  paper clips?
  3. Here, have  nuts!
  4. Is there  sugar in my coffee?
  5. My brother has got  new jeans.
  6. Are there  apples on the tree in your garden?
  7. Have we got  butter?
  8. They've got  baby giraffe in the zoo.
  9. I'm going to the market to buy  fruit.
  10. There isn't  tea in the pot.

Have a nice day!

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 I go to Croatia on holidays every year. Transform this sentence into Present Continuous Past Continuous Past Simple Present Perfect Future ...